Peak Performance: Go out there and “have fun”

As we finish up our preparation for IBJJF Master World Championships, I was talking with one of our students about some of the mental exercises to help prepare as the physical work load decreases. This person is a go-getter would train for 8 hours a day if allowed to kind of person, and I know training less for any reason is a difficult thing to do because they are so used to the grind. In moments like these it’s important that you should let the body rest and begin thinking about executing your technique under stress.

One thing I always remind out athletes to do is to “have fun.” And I mean this with the best intentions, “go out there and have fun!” The other day another student said, “and win right?” My reaction was, “well, ya!” So I decided to better explain what I meant by having fun.

Having fun in a competition is when you are at your deepest, most focused state of mind. When you anticipate before you know you are anticipating and you do it before you realize you are doing. It’s when the excitement of the event overwhelms any fear that is perceived. Having fun is when we are aware that we are in a close match and stay calm and patient in order to find a way to win. You embrace the challenge of the fight and go out there to fight, not to just win. I say go and have fun, because if you’re having fun then you’re probably winning. If you’re doing that and you didn’t win then…. We just need to improve some.

I say have fun but that doesn’t mean “go be silly,” or to be reckless and swing for the fences. I think people misunderstand fun or silly sometimes. It’s ok to have fun but to be silly…. Keep that for the play ground.

In any case, best of the best to my friends and students competing in the MASTER WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS this weekend! Go out there and have fun!