You can’t control what people say

In anticipation for the first fight to win of 2019, and being featured as the main event to my hometown crowd, the hype was getting real.

Actually in all honesty, people always get excited for local events and big tournaments. Students and friends will often ask me, “are you ready?” Or “Are you going to win?” And in the midst of training and getting back in the groove, I found myself getting a little agitated with these questions. I didn’t know how to respond. “Yes, I’m ready, but I have to prep this and that.” “Ya I’m going to go for the victory but sometimes you can’t quite control that.” I found myself in a conundrum as people approached me with questions I didn’t really have an answer for.

After sharing my thoughts with my wife, I was reminded of one simple fact. People want to share their words of encouragement with you and that’s their way of communicating that they care and support your path to victory. I couldn’t control what someone would say to me, but I could control how I interpreted their comment as enthusiasm for me to train hard and be victorious.

This was a great reminder and a big relief of anxiety from my day to day training. I also felt I was able to respond to people with much more enthusiasm and appreciation for showing that they cared to ask about my physical condition and preparation. By interpreting their questions as a encouraging comment instead of a challenge of my preparation, I felt supported and encouraged.

So thank you to everyone who asked me if I was ready, or if I was hungry to win, and the other questions! I appreciate the support and encouragement!