The 15 minute routine that sets you apart

Note to the reader, reading below won’t change anything. However, acting on what you read will leave a profound impact on you – ->>

Do the math and you will understand. Student A comes to class early 3x a week and at the end of the month they have an extra 3 hours of training under their belt if their monthly average is 12 hours. Student B does the opposite. They are late to every class by 15 minutes. Instead of getting the actual 12 hours that month, they only get 9. There’s a big difference between 15 and 9. Heck, there’s a big difference when you think you’re getting 12 but only getting 9. In 6 months student A will have 90 hours of training while the other student will have 54. Between the two there’s almost 2x the amount of practice time.

That’s a big difference.

This difference is a reflection of one person being conscious and intentional of their time and another person who isn’t. You have to be mindful of your intentions and follow through with your behavior.

The best way to match your intention with action is is to own your routine. A productive routine should reinforce your intentions, motivate you to act and eventually establish its self as a habit.

Student A has the routine figured out. Keep doing what you’re doing. Student B, needs some help. The best way to change their behavior might be in asking, what’s keeping you from coming to class on time? What’s keeping your from coming early or staying after? Are you late to other engagements in your life? Why or why not? Figuring out the answers to these questions might give student B an opportunity to find what’s holding them back on 3+ hours of monthly training.

Eliot Kelly

MPM Certified Coach