Over training

Last week I had a really good day of training and then had to put the breaks on my weekly routine. I had a full day of teaching and training, 3 workout sessions and a total of 8 hours teaching/training. That night during my rehydration I started to get the chills.

The chills were quite uncomfortable so I quickly went home and got in bed but it went on all night. In the morning I had the worst headache I’ve had in a very long time.

I couldn’t tell if I was sick, dehydrated, over trained, low blood sugar, over heated, or what was going on.

I stopped all activity and took to rest. As much as I wanted to just go and train, I was worried doing so wouldn’t be productive. It was almost like I knew training would have adverse effects on my body. So I listened and rested. My headache lingered until about Friday. Finally I was starting to feel better. I felt a little more confident to move and push things around.

I still don’t know what was the exact cause but a week later I am feeling much better.

What’s weird is I felt great during all my workouts. It wasn’t until after my last session I started to feel bad. In any case, I’m hoping it doesn’t happen again. If it does I’ll get blood work done.