Mat Mind 092 Creating a win-win Situation

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Mat Mind is a youtube series I have been doing for over the last few years. It’s a collection of ideas reflecting on tournaments, training advice, and in general a mental approach to training.

In this episode, Mat Mind 092 I’m reflecting on my experience from the 2016 IBJJF Master World Championships. I had a great tournament taking 2nd in my division at the world championships.

A key phrase I want to highlight from the video is this: “Your best effort will lead to no regret.” So many times, we allow fear to stunt the amount of effort we put forward. Fear of pain, discomfort, failure, are all things that can hold us back. So, instead of focusing on the fear, it’s simply easier to remember that your best, at that moment, is simply good enough. Doing so will allow you to enjoy the moment you are in and be at your best self. Win or lose, do great or not, you need to realize that doing your best is the only way to compete with no regrets.

In the episode, I talk about a few other things:

  • Resetting between matches and competitions
  • Competition Mindset
  • Enjoying the journey

The video was taken in Red Rock Canyon, Las Vegas.