2019 NoGi Worlds: Silver medal

2019 nogi worlds: Finished with silver, and I’m excited to get back to make more improvements I realized as a result of the tournament. NoGi is changing. Since September, I put a lot of thought into how I needed to adjust. Nothing crazy different in adjustments, just details and transitions. In the qtr and semi finals, those adjustments really worked out and I was able to win against opponents I lost to earlier this year. It’s always cool to do that. The finals helped me realize a few more things and that’s what makes the game fun. Sometimes shifting a few inches in one direction or the other is all you need. How cool is that!

Many thanks to my friends and family. You guys make the process meaningful. Thank you for putting up with me.

In my 7yrs as a black belt I’ve finished silver, bronze, bronze, and now silver at nogi worlds. SMH….. lol. I just wanna get to the top already says some of me, and another me says you gotta earn it if you really want to get it. Ultimately, the only way for me to get there is to be consistent with the process and give it time. That, I can do.