Strength Sensei: Charles Poliquin

I was recently reminded of the Strength Sensei, Charles Poliquin while talking with a trainer who specializes in ART, active release therapy. I had initially heard of Charles Poliquin while listening to the Tim Ferris podcast and was reminded how knowledgeable he was on strength training, supplements, and human performance. Our conversation was a pleasant reminder to look back on his information and brush up on what he has to share.

Here is a link to one of the many interviews he has online.

Charles is a wealth of knowledge from reading up on research findings as well as intuitive training methods that work but have yet to be proven in research. Unfortunately, he passed away this year. He would have been an interesting person to learn from and shadow or attend a seminar.

One of my favorite learning moments from him is in his explanation on recovery. He talks about quality sleep being the most important way to optimal performance and recovery. Charles cites a study showing that thinking about what you are thankful for 20 minutes before bed helps with chemical production that increases the quality of sleep. Therefore he expresses the importance of a thankful journal before bed. What are you thankful for? Who helped you today? Who did you help? What did you learn? The last question “what did you learn?” Is a reminder to learn something new everyday. The way to growth and improvement is through learning and if you go a day without learning, it’s a day you fall behind. A day wasted.

If you are familiar of Charles Poliquin or ever worked with him I want to know more. Please share your insights!