Gender & Japan: Splitting opinions between Tani and Yamaguchi

This is a translation of  an article written on February 14th, 2013 in Josei Sebun. LINK

Since the unraveling of the power harassment & physical abuse within Japan's Women's Judo team on January 29th, the contrasting remarks made by the two stars of Women's Judo have become a topic of discussion. 

"A well mannered person, with no secrets to hide. Since my time as an athlete, I've never seen (him) become violent. Not even once."

This was the response followed by the Life Party Upper House member Tani Ryoko(age 37), a two time olympic and seven time world gold medalist, when accusations were made about coach Sonoda Ryuji (age 39) using physical violence. 

On the other hand, Tsukuba University Associate Professor, Japan Olympic Committee board of directors Yamaguchi Kaori (age 48) was the first to give council to the athletes on the issue of physical violence, made it clear saying, "I supported them." Yamaguchi, set the stage as a pioneer of women's Judo in Japan, winning 10 consecutive national championships and becoming the first to win bronze for Japan in the Seoul Olympics. A authority in Judo explains. 

"After Yamaguchi retired from competition, she moved to England to study and eventually married a English man who worked in the general corporate structure. I'm sure she was abel to observe the Japan Judo with different eyes, as a mother with a son and from a place physical of distance. Since her return from England, she has raised a critical voice to cut into the uniquely Japanese problems of ambiguous criteria for athlete selection and practices and ideologies on will power that haven't changed in 20 years."

In 2007, Fukumi Tomoko beat Tani in the tournament that was said to decide the Olympic team members. Nevertheless, Tani was selected as the representative for the Olympics and Yamaguchi expressed her indignation. It is said that Yamaguchi considered taking the issue up with the Sports' court of arbitration, even while being a member of the Japan Judo Federation Development Committee. 

"Mrs. Yamaguchi is into Korean dramas, so she's into rewarding the good and punishing the bad, kinda like 'in the end justice always wins!' She  has that kind of passion about her. Mrs. Tani was coddled by the traditional structure of Japanese Judo, and was able to benefit from her popularity in Judo to become a politician. I'm sure her passion is equal to Mrs. Yamaguchi, but they differ in origin." (Maede • An authority in Judo)


山口香 谷亮子の五輪代表選出に憤慨し提訴考えたこともあった

2013.02.14 16:00







「山口さんは趣味が韓流ドラマですから、勧善懲悪というか、最後は正義が勝つ! みたいな熱い思いもある人ですよ。谷さんは古い体質の日本柔道界でかわいがられ、その後も柔道人気の恩恵を受けて政治家にまでなったんです。熱い思いは山口さんと同様にあるんでしょうが、根本が違うんですよね…」(前出・柔道関係者)
