An attitude of gratitude

Nor Cal was recently reminded of how quickly things can be taken away from campfire torching through the city of Paradise. Talking to my uncle who lost his home, I was reminded how little our possessions bring us happiness. More importantly, how important it is to have an attitude of gratitude.

My aunt and uncle lost everything. Their home is completely gone. I couldn’t believe the pictures. Yet he was happy and almost cheerful. Optimistic about life and living. I’m glad they are safe. I’m glad my cousin & her family are safe. Even the thought of starting over, a challenging task, his voice was filled with vigor and energy.

I was reminded that attitude is contagious and shared. Having an attitude of gratitude doesn’t change the task at hand, but it certainly makes it easier to accomplish than being pessimistic. So let’s share gratitude and spread an attitude of gratitude to our community.