Peak Performance: Everyone needs self care

Self care is essential for everyone at every age but people don’t often figure that out until very late in the game. Self care is an active and conscious practice that helps elevate the performance and meets the needs of the body and mind.

People might call self care different things; rehab, prehab, yoga, going for a run, meditation, a massage, sleeping in. I think the act should be conscious and intentional.

There are many different approaches for self care and what you need most might change from day to day. In general it’s good to have a set routine you look to include in your daily routine. A good example many people do daily would be brushing the teeth. We make it a routine to clean our teeth usually twice a day everyday. There aren’t any days off from brushing your teeth. However the benefits are huge! Clean teeth, no cavities, nice breath, a healthy smile. All benefits that lead to a better you.

There are books, videos, and seminars that are very useful. I recommend starting there and as you gain more experience with self care, seek out an expert. Experts can sometimes share a few things that make an incredible difference in routine self care.

Another good self care practice is in daily self talk. Here is one my yoga teacher shares with us to end our practice. “Breathe in reverence and gratitude for your body, in every way that it is and every way that it is not. “